
President Dave McFadden announces the campaign at Homecoming 2022.

十大网赌正规网址 announces $45 million 'Bold' campaign

十大网赌正规网址 is investing in its students and building for the future with a bold $45 million capital campaign.

dave_mcfadden_headshot他说:“我们正在召集竞选活动 曼彻斯特 Bold:未来是我们的 because we are boldly declaring that the world needs more 曼彻斯特 graduates. This campaign is designed to help more students find 曼彻斯特, 在这里茁壮成长, 然后继续改善人类的状况,总统戴夫·麦克法登说.


  • 新举措,6美元.500万目标: (hard link to 十大网赌正规网址 | 曼彻斯特 Bold - New Initiatives) MU will seize opportunities and quickly align its offerings with the needs of today’s students. The New Initiatives Fund enables 曼彻斯特 to explore ideas and help the great ones grow. 到目前为止,它已经帮助启动 传统的和加速的护理课程. 它也有助于创造 斯巴达骄傲军乐队 which allows students who loved the experience in high school to play at the college level.
  • Winger Hall翻新工程,500万美元; 建于1952年, the original part of Winger needs an upgrade to help students develop their relationship with the arts and study contemporary topics such as graphic design and music technology. Arts education also dovetails with MU's approach to interdisciplinary learning: marketing majors study graphic design; psychology students learn about art therapy; communication studies majors learn to do digital photography; and biology-chemistry majors sing in the choir and play in the symphony orchestra. 教职员工提供变革, 为学生提供丰富的机会, such as singing at Carnegie Hall and juried art exhibitions. 符合ada标准的现代化建筑至关重要.
  • 健康与运动表演中心,600万美元;  多功能室内健身设施, the Wellness and Sport Performance Center will serve hundreds of MU students – those in NCAA Division III, 校内和休闲运动, 还有那些想要健康生活方式的人. 更多的空间和设备将提供健康的乐趣, 全年训练,防止受伤, opportunities for health science students to develop skills and for all students to build habits that will serve them for the rest of their lives.
  • Funderburg Learning Commons, 5美元.500万: 曼彻斯特 Bold will transform the library into a 21st century, technology-rich learning commons that helps students develop skills in research, multimedia communication and collaborative problem-solving. These tools will support them through graduation and beyond into a world that is ever changing. Students will get opportunities to utilize 3D printing and virtual reality equipment, and the upgrade will add much-needed electrical updates to accommodate the expanding use of electronic learning devices. Funderburg also houses the 十大网赌正规网址 档案 and Peace Studies 弟兄会 Collection. Storage of those items – many of them fragile – requires climate-controlled space that can be fully secured.
  • 曼彻斯特基金,1100万美元; Tuition alone has never covered the full cost of a 曼彻斯特 education, and 100 percent of undergraduates receive at least some financial aid. The 曼彻斯特 Fund ensures that the University can focus on teaching students while handling day-to-day realities of operating in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩. When students have higher-than-average financial need or experience cuts in government aid, 曼彻斯特基金帮助他们继续上学. When a roof springs a leak, The 曼彻斯特 Fund is there to help fix it. 当冬天天气异常恶劣时, The 曼彻斯特 Fund helps pay unexpectedly high utility bills and makes sure the grounds are safe for walking. In other words, The 曼彻斯特 Fund bridges gaps and addresses urgent needs.
  • 捐赠基金,800万美元; You wouldn't build your dream house without a solid foundation. That's what the endowment is to 曼彻斯特 – a strong footing upon which to build. Invested to earn income, the endowment is designed to endure through perpetuity. 源源不断的收入有助于曼彻斯特的计划, and it provides things the University could not otherwise afford. 捐赠基金可以帮助学生出国留学, 进行服务学习, 进行本科生研究, 完成一次专业实习, 并用于奖学金. Those opportunities are especially important for first-generation, low income and minority students in their journey to graduation and beyond. 

    曼彻斯特 launched the public phase of the 曼彻斯特 Bold campaign at a kickoff gala for donors Friday evening and at Homecoming on Saturday.

    “We anticipate the future and embrace it with open arms,” McFadden said. “We see opportunities on the horizon and claim them for our own. 曼彻斯特 Bold means we lead with our mission and encourage students to discover their best selves.”


    “这是该机构历史上一个激动人心的时刻,媚兰·哈蒙说, 晋升副总裁. “我们的捐赠者从第一天起就一直支持我们, and I am confident they will be here for us with 曼彻斯特 Bold. 我们的需求从未如此迫切,现在正是时候.”

    The campaign chair is Randy Brown, managing partner at Barnes & 韦恩堡的索恩伯格律师事务所. 十大网赌正规网址1987届的一员, 他是大学塔楼协会的成员, 奥索翁格协会, and he has been a consecutive-year donor for 30-plus years. He served on the board of trustees from 2005 to 2016 and served as board chair for the three years of his term. 

    十大网赌正规网址 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

    To request an interview with Randy Brown or Melanie Harmon, email mbharmon@曼彻斯特.edu.
    To request an interview with Dave McFadden, contact the Office of the President at President@曼彻斯特.edu.
    十大网赌正规网址, in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.曼彻斯特.edu/about-Manchester.

    我们的使命和价值观: 十大网赌正规网址 respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, 富有成效的, 以及改善人类状况的富有同情心的生活.

    10月. 22, 2022