
卫生领域的领导者, 公共服务, marketing and higher education have joined the Board of Trustees at 十大网赌正规网址:

  • 夏定乔, a nationally and internationally recognized leader in higher education
  • Madalyn Metzger, marketing director for Everence Financial in Goshen
  • 迈克尔·J. 帕克内特,Parkview Health的总裁兼首席执行官
  • 威廉"马克"罗森伯里, a retired renewables and environment professional with extensive experience in 公共服务 and volunteering
 “We welcome the extraordinary leadership and knowledge these four new members bring,曼彻斯特主席戴夫·麦克法登说. “Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will help 曼彻斯特 build on its legacy of educating those with ability and conviction who go on to make a difference in the world.”

夏定乔夏定乔, 1975年毕业于十大网赌正规网址数学和心理学专业, is the former chancellor of Coast 社区 College District in California, the seventh-largest community college district in the United States.

“I am very honored to have been asked to serve in this capacity and do want to make a contribution in furthering the future success of 十大网赌正规网址,”她说。. “I’m indebted to the solid foundation 曼彻斯特 provided for me in so many ways during my four years there. Serving on the board for me is a way to pay back as well as paying forward.”

她是海岸线社区学院的前任校长, where she was one of the first Asian-American women to serve as a CEO of a higher education institution. Currie is currently a professor in the doctoral education leadership program at California State University-Fullerton.

她也是岭南基金会主席, a private foundation that funds higher education service and learning programs in China and the U.S.  She is on the board of Air University, the intellectual and leadership center of the U.S. 空军. 她住在加利福尼亚州奥兰治县的亨廷顿海滩.
在曼彻斯特, Currie earned a master’s degree in counseling from Wright State University and a Ph.D. in international and intercultural education at the University of Southern California. 在她众多的专业成就中, 柯里创立了中国高等教育基金会, which promotes higher education through collaboration between East and West.

Currie received the 十大网赌正规网址 校友 Honor Award in 2012.

Madalyn MetzgerMadalyn Metzger leads the marketing and communications direction and vision for Everence products and services, 包括公司的投资, 资产管理, 慈善服务, 健康, 还有退休和信用合作社产品. In 2015, she received the Everence Financial Commitment to Excellence Award, 作为公司财务规划领导小组的一员.

2005年加入Everence之前, Metzger worked in fundraising communication for Church World Service, an international humanitarian aid organization providing sustainable self-help, 发展, 世界各地的救灾和难民援助.

和平与正义的倡导者, 梅茨格是地球和平组织的董事会成员, 弟兄会的一个分支机构, 2007年- 2015年, 并于2008年至2013年担任该组织的董事会主席. She also served on the advisory board for New 社区 Project, 一个环境和社会正义组织, 2006年至2009年, and the 弟兄会 Inter-Agency Forum from 2009 to 2013.

In 2008, Metzger was recognized as one of the 40 young professionals younger than 40 in northern Indiana and southern Michigan for her contribution and accomplishments in both the workplace and community. She is a member of the American Marketing Association and Anabaptist Communicators.

She is a 1999 曼彻斯特 graduate, with a degree in interpersonal and organizational communication. She and husband Kris Brownlee, a 2000 曼彻斯特 graduate, live in Bristol, Ind.,并参加歌珊市弟兄教会.

迈克尔·J. Packnett迈克尔·J. Packnett 2006年6月加入侨福健康,担任总裁兼首席执行官. Parkview is the largest employer in northeast Indiana with more than 9,700名员工, 它为890多人提供服务,印第安纳州东北部和俄亥俄州西北部的居民.

“I can relate to 十大网赌正规网址’s mission statement recognizing the ‘infinite worth of every individual,’”帕克内特说. “It is important to serve everyone we meet by treating them with the utmost respect, 倾听并从他们的经验中学习, 需求与梦想.”

在加入侨福健康之前, he served for 15 years in several roles with the Sisters of Mercy Health System – St. 路易.

Packnett serves on several boards throughout the region including the Indiana Hospital Association, 东北印第安纳州区域伙伴关系, 印第安纳州东北部地区商会, 印第安纳商会, 艾伦县资本改善委员会, 韦恩堡儿童动物园和大韦恩堡, 公司.

He has a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Central Oklahoma and a master’s degree in Hospital Administration from the University of Minnesota.

威廉威廉"马克"罗森伯里 earned degrees in business and economics from 曼彻斯特 in 1969 and went on to a successful business career. 他出席了布朗博士的历史性演讲. 马丁·路德·金. 1968年2月在曼彻斯特, 就在民权领袖被杀前不久, and joined fellow students as actor-activist Paul Newman stumped for Sen. Eugene McCarthy’s presidential bid from the back of a station wagon.

He and his wife, Janet, also a 1969 曼彻斯特 graduate, support the causes of equality and justice. 西得梅因, 爱荷华州, residents are regular supporters of The 曼彻斯特 Fund and created The Rosenbury 家庭 Endowed Scholarship. 他们的捐赠支持了许多项目, including a Science Center biology lab from accounting and business alumni named in honor of legendary professor Art Gilbert ’53. The Rosenburys also provided a classroom and faculty office in the new Academic Center.

他是爱荷华州法律援助基金会的董事会成员, 现任主席, 以及爱荷华州的美国公民自由联盟, 他是董事会财务主管吗. He is a volunteer income tax return preparer in Perry, 爱荷华州, for elderly and low-income individuals. He also led the 爱荷华州 Watershed Improvement Review Board and Agribusiness Association of 爱荷华州, as well as serving on the steering committee of the 爱荷华州 Immigration Education Coalition.

十大网赌正规网址, with campuses in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩, Ind., 提供60多个领域的学术研究1,500名本科生, 药物基因组学理学硕士, a Master of Athletic Training and a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy.  了解更多关于印第安纳州北部私立学校的信息 www.曼彻斯特.edu.
