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Master of Science in Nutrition and Nutrigenomics (MSNGx, NGx)

Nutrigenomics: Where Nutrition Science Meets Genetic Science

如果你能研究某人的基因组成,并提出建议,提供最佳的营养和预防, treat and manage health conditions? Nutrigenomics allows you to do exactly that. 十大网赌正规网址营养与营养基因组学硕士(MSNGx), NGx) is like no other master’s in nutrition. Incorporating our experience with genomics, 我们优秀的本科和研究生教师合作创造了这一前沿, one-of-a-kind degree in nutrition. 我校100%在线营养学硕士符合国家要求,注册营养师(RDN)必须具有硕士学位. 在临床实践中应用营养基因组学可以帮助你理解, 在不知道发生疾病的实际风险时,解释和传达复杂性. In our MSNGx, NGx Program, 您将学习如何使用基于证据的方法来个性化建议,从而获得最佳的健康结果. From determining appropriate diet to improving health outcomes, 营养学和营养基因组学硕士学位的价值怎么强调都不为过.


  • Credits: 54
  • Time to Completion: 22 -24 months
  • Tuition: Learn more
  • Learning Environment: Manchester University Fort Wayne
  • Fall Session Begins: Aug. 26, 2023
  • Accreditation: Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics





Learn more

Fall Session

Aug. 26, 2023

Learning Environment

Manchester University Fort Wayne


Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics

Why Choose Manchester for Your Master of Science in NGx?

Our MSGNx, NGx Program is cutting-edge and genomics-focused. 所有的课程都是在线的,你可以灵活地选择你在当地社区的体验式教育.

因为MU的营养学硕士课程是全方位的,有监督的实地经验, 你将在毕业后立即准备好参加注册营养师考试.

Experiential Learning

In your first year, you’ll shadow a registered dietitian. Further into earning your nutrition science degree, you’ll provide dietitian coverage in a clinical setting.

During six different rotations, 你将应用营养护理过程在各种环境中提供医疗营养治疗,包括普通医学, cardiology, oncology and ICUs.

Unparalleled faculty leads our MSNGx, NGx Program

你们的老师都是各自领域的专家. 他们的丰富经验包括信息学、实验室技术和基因测序. 他们在临床和长期护理、体育和企业健康方面拥有丰富的经验.

Meet the faculty and staff of the master’s in nutrition program.

Superior technology

你可以使用MassARRAY和QuantStudio Plus等实验室基因测序仪器. 该计划还向您介绍用于评估DNA的现代分析技术, RNA and protein collection, isolation, preparation and analysis.


As a student earning a degree in nutrition, you’re eligible to apply for scholarships, including the Lois A. Bollinger Memorial Scholarship Fund.

View a list of available scholarships

Small class sizes and one-on-one attention

MU’s student-to-faculty class ratio is 5:1. Supervised learning is 1:1. 小班授课意味着你可以直接接触到具有不同专业经验的教师.

Learn More About Our Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Program

View the video about the Manchester University NGx Program

Learn More About our MSNGx Program

一名参加NGx项目的学生参与了MU Fort Wayne的NGx实验室

W. Thomas Smith,
Dean of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

What Can You Do With Your Degree in Nutrition?

注册营养师营养师(rdn)是卫生保健和健康行业各个方面的饮食和营养专家. 作为一名RDN,你将提供与营养相关的咨询和教育.

In addition to your focus on preventing, treating and managing health conditions, 你在帮助个人保持最佳健康或达到最佳运动表现方面发挥着重要作用.

从2024年1月起,所有注册营养师都必须拥有硕士学位. 在曼彻斯特获得acend认可的营养科学学位不仅满足了这一要求, its nutrigenomic components set you apart from the competition.

All coursework is 100 percent online.

MU offers supervised experiential learning  sites at businesses,  clinical settings,  private nutrition  practices, food  service facilities &  long-term care facilities

MU offers supervised experiential learning sites at businesses, clinical settings, private nutrition practices, food service facilities & long-term care facilities

Career outlook for nutrition science degree graduates

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 到2032年,营养学家和营养师的职位预计将增长7%,与平均水平一样快.

MU的营养科学学位毕业生在长期护理中担任注册营养师, food service, sports, clinics, hospitals, community agencies and corporate wellness, and as food and culinary professionals.

How much do MSNGx, NGx graduates make?

美国劳工统计局报告称,拥有学士学位的营养学家的平均工资为66450美元. 获得硕士学位的好处之一是增加薪水的潜力. 美国劳工统计局估计,拥有硕士学位的求职者比拥有学士学位的求职者收入高出20%. MU独特的营养基因组学成分进一步提高了您的市场竞争力.

+7 %
 Median Pay Job OutlookEmployment Change 2022-32 

What Will You Study to Earn Your Master’s in Nutrition?

The comprehensive coursework of your degree in nutrition include:

  • Lifecycle Nutrition and Disease
  • Nutrition Informatics
  • Human Genetics
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Research Methods
  • Nutrition and Omics

View all courses of MU’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Program

Master of Science in Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Accreditation


芝加哥南河滨广场120号2190室60606-6995 | (312)899-0040 ext 5400 |访问 ACEND.

Ready to Get Started on Your Unique Nutrition Science Degree?

让我们向您展示十大网赌正规网址的MSNGX, NGx学位是多么有趣和有益. Inquire today.

Admissions Requirements for MU’s Nutrition Degree

要求包括认可机构的学士学位以及先决课程,如人体生理学和微量营养素代谢, and a personal essay.

Visit our admission page to review all requirements .

Application Process to Earn Your MSNGx, NGx Degree


Learn more about the application process.

Manchester University’s Non-Discrimination Admission Policy

十大网赌正规网址致力于十大网赌正规网址中的非歧视. 大学不以国籍为基础进行歧视, ancestry, race, color, age, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, familial status, religion, 残疾或退伍军人身份在招生或十大网赌正规网址的任何领域, including its educational programs, scholarships and loan awards, residence life programs, athletic programs, extracurricular programs, promotion and tenure policies and practice, and alumni affairs.

十大网赌正规网址致力于执行1973年《十大网赌正规网址》第504条和《十大网赌正规网址》的规定, 为身体残疾的人提供无障碍的大学课程.