曼彻斯特 Core Learning 结果

十大网赌正规网址力求通过学科基础和特定专业的深入学习,培养每个学生对学习的欣赏. This combination prepares students for graduate school, 的职业, and positions of leadership in all areas of society. 一个广泛的, 灵活的通识教育课程在文科提供最适当的正式准备:

  • meet contemporary challenges,
  • 完成职业目标;
  • lead a purposeful, 健康的, 对生活有回报, and
  • serve society as a responsible citizen.


A strong education presumes that students can express their thoughts clearly in written and oral form; that they know how to organize, 开发, and refine thoughts for maximum effectiveness; and that they can think quantitatively at a high level in order to understand the complexities of a technologically sophisticated world. 所有学生都应该在第一年展示或掌握这些基本技能的基本水平.

First-Year Seminar in Critical Thinking (C-1FYS)

  1. 写作标准英语, clearly and appropriately; analyze critically, through organized and persuasive writing; used appropriate citation for both primary and secondary sources.
  2. improve critical thinking skills by reading analytically from various texts, synthesizing information from those sources, and evaluating the strength of that content.
  3. 深入学习一门学科或跨学科的学科,并根据适合该内容的学习目标进行评估.
  4. 参加小组活动,并与整个一年级的班级体验,以促进过渡到大学生活.


标准 for Core W-courses

  1. 写一篇文章,其中包括以下一项或多项:选择并捍卫一个有争议的问题的立场, 分析一篇文章, 提出研究, or define a problem and suggest solutions
  2. receive feedback on these essays.

标准 for Major W-course

  1. incorporate careful attention to the writing process (planning, 组织, 起草, 修改, 和重写)
  2. incorporate significant opportunities for writing, including at least one major paper or its equivalent.

口语交流(c - 10)

标准 for Oral Communication Foundation

  1. ability to create appropriate and effective messages in public, 人际关系, 以及小组设置
  2. 能够以适当和有效的方式倾听和回应中介信息.

标准 for Core O-courses

  1. speak to persuade, inform, or debate
  2. orally convey material in a clear, cogent, and concise manner
  3. create appropriate messages in 人际关系, small group, or public settings
  4. receive feedback on their oral communication skills.

Quantitative Reasoning (C-1Q)

标准 for Quantitative Reasoning Foundation

数学113, 115, 210, 或PYSC 241:理解和使用基本的统计概念,包括制作和解释数据的图形表示, constructing and interpreting scatterplots and regression lines, 理解随机性, error and variation in samples, survey and experimental design, basic concepts of statistical inference (i.e., estimation and/or hypothesis testing), and limitations of statistical approaches.

For MATH 121: understand and use derivatives and integrals, and apply these concepts to rates of change, 优化, exponential growth or decay, 曲线下的面积.

标准 for Core Q-courses

  1. 准确地解释来自各种历史或当代来源的定量信息[或]
  2. organize, analyze, and persuasively convey data through graphs [or]
  3. analyze data using tools such as statistical software or spreadsheets [or]
  4. solve problems via appropriate quantitative methods.


一个强大的通识教育假定学生可以通过保持健康的生活方式来迎接职业和负责任的公民的挑战. 学生参与体育活动和学习终身活动是至关重要的,这将有助于有目的的, 健康的, 对生活有回报.


  1. acquire the skills useful for lifetime participation and enjoyment
  2. learn and apply the knowledge of etiquette and rules of activities
  3. 学习和应用健身和营养的科学原理为个人计划
  4. demonstrate an awareness of wellness principles related to each activity.


全球公民需要了解世界的复杂性和相互关联性,并致力于解决其多种需求. Honoring its roots in the 弟兄会, 十大网赌正规网址通过致力于负责任的资源管理来应对这些挑战, peaceful transformation of conflict, civic engagement and service to others, appreciation for other cultures, and respect for the infinite value of every person. 通过运用大学历史中最核心的价值观和态度来应对全球公民的挑战,学生可以最好地准备成为有能力和信念的人.

负责任的公民 标准

  1. 学会理解那些持有不同职位的人的假设和动机, and to work effectively with those individuals
  2. learn to engage in civil discourse on contentious topics
  3. 在尊重更高的公平正义原则的同时,从理论到服务,对各方的合法需求作出回应
  4. 检查过去和现在的争议,涉及可能是人际关系的话题, 群际, 国家, 或国际.

全球联系 标准

  1. 开发 a global perspective
  2. 开发 sensitivity to cultural diversity
  3. 开发 strategies for cross-cultural interaction.


良好的通识教育要求学生具备广泛的知识,并对不同学科的定义有基本的了解, 理解现实, and contribute to other fields.

Philosophical, Religious, and Creative Inquiry

How humans express their values and beliefs. 这个类别致力于研究人类对信仰、价值观和愿望的表达.

  • 宗教
    1. 理解基督教的核心思想,无论是单独的还是与其他宗教的比较
    2. 开发概念工具和分析技能,了解宗教如何回应基本的人类困境
    3. 对宗教信仰和实践如何在世界观中发挥作用以及如何塑造知识传统和社会有基本的了解.
  • 哲学
    1. discuss the approaches that philosophers take to fundamental human questions
    2. acquire the 词汇表 and skills necessary to engage in philosophical inquiry, especially through 开发ing their ability to understand and evaluate arguments.
  • Visual and Performing Arts
    1. 了解不同历史时期的一种或多种视觉和表演艺术的非语言元素和结构
    2. examine the arts critically
    3. distinguish styles and genres.
  • 文学
    1. study literature typical of a particular culture, historical period, or genre
    2. learn terminology and techniques of literary analysis
    3. learn aesthetic principles pertinent to literature
    4. 学习文学如何表达来自不同背景的人们的关注和困境.

Human Behavior and Institutions

How and why humans do what they do. 这个类别致力于研究人类个体和集体的行为方式.

  1. 掌握从社会和制度角度描述和分析人类行为所需的词汇
  2. examine the central ethical dilemmas of contemporary or historical societies. These dilemmas can be personal, political, economic, or educational
  3. 表达和应用社会科学中使用的正式理论观点和实证研究.


How and why the world works as it does. 这个类别致力于对世界自然过程的科学研究.

  1. 通过学习内容,展示对自然世界某些方面的系统理解, 词汇表, and interrelationships among well-supported scientific theories
  2. articulate the unique features of scientific methodologies, such as hypothesis testing based on empirical observations, and probabilistic conclusions.


通识教育既需要从多个学科获取知识,也需要从多个角度连接和综合材料的能力. 通过代表不同主题和观点的公共项目以及高水平的跨学科课程, students will learn to understand and respond to complexity.


  1. 从各种学科角度和适合文科的探究模式探索实质性主题或问题
  2. analyze issues of importance
  3. 开发 increased capacity to confront complexity and ambiguity
  4. 综合信息
  5. respond to intellectual challenges.

Values, Ideas and the Arts

通过VIA项目, 学生将接触到一系列的知识和艺术思想和价值观.