
感谢跨信仰青年核心和歌珊市弟兄教会的资助,宗教生活办公室和校园跨信仰委员会自2019年秋季以来一直提供信仰和信仰午餐. Our next luncheon will be April 22, 2022.




faith and belief luncheon pic 4-14

  Karly Eichenauer主修生物化学,辅修心理学和和平研究, working towards becoming a family practice physician in the future

November 16, 2020 Speakers:

教师 Member: Professor 贾斯汀·拉瑟


贾斯汀·拉瑟是一位东正教神学家、圣经学者和候补精神分析学家. He hails from Long Island, New York and  received his Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary. After studying in  Russia and learning ancient languages like Coptic, 埃塞俄比亚的, and Greek he felt compelled to join the Orthodox Church for its mysteries, 冥想实践, 最重要的是, 它的美.


Courtney 道格拉斯
道格拉斯考特尼来自里士满, 她在十大网赌正规网址的最后一个学期获得了生物化学学士学位. Courtney did not grow up in a traditionally religious household, but her family would categorize themselves as Christian. 考特尼从15岁开始阅读有关异教和巫术崇拜的书籍,她发现这比她成长过程中接触到的传统宗教更有意义.


教员:运动科学/运动训练助理教授Lucas Dargo


Lucas is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science and Athletic Training. He is also the Clinical Education Coordinator. This is Lucas’s second year at 曼彻斯特. He was raised as a Methodist and attended the same church for 26 years. Lucas accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was 14 years old. He now attends Pathway 社区 Church in Fort 韦恩.

Fatu Kaba
Fatu was raised in a traditional Muslim family with basic Islamic Practices. 在她的家庭里, 文化似乎主宰了宗教,这是由于宗教知识的有限以及传统对妇女教育的限制. 值得庆幸的是, 她的单身母亲努力通过祈祷或阅读《十大网赌正规网址》的基本经文向她介绍伊斯兰教. This was challenging since her mother's tongue is the Maraka language, Liberia's official language is English, and 基督教 is the dominant religion. 她上的是一所穆斯林高中,这所学校对她理解伊斯兰教几乎没有帮助. 她没有戴头巾,因为没有必要,她随时祈祷,没有任何义务感. 然而, 法图长大了, 她对女性被物化而父权制度不断被强制执行感到不舒服. 她开始质疑很多事情,包括宗教,为什么她甚至是一个穆斯林. At 15, 法图开始研究, 观看辩论, and do competitive religion with Islam, 基督教, 和犹太教. She realized that Islam resonated with her and her values. 尽管有语言障碍,她还是更加努力地阅读《十大网赌正规网址》,并开始追随世界学者,尤其是穆夫提·门克和后来的诺曼·阿里·汗. 2016年斋月, 18岁的时候, she decided to take a step further with the best, 最难的决定, to wear the hijab fully and commit to Islam as a practicing Muslim. She is very grateful for being a Muslim, Alhamdulillah.

October 20, 2020 Speakers:

教师 Member: Assistant Professor of Music Pamela Haynes

帕梅拉午宴帕姆·海恩斯自2010年以来一直活跃在十大网赌正规网址的音乐表演中. 2016年,她加入了音乐系,担任音乐助理教授和键盘研究主任. She has always loved music and its importance in worship and spiritual formation. 她的精神之旅带她去了很多地方:从她童年的小浸信会教堂, to a spiritual re-awakening in an Ohio state park, to mentoring women in New Zealand (alongside her pastor husband). 当她在家附近的树林里散步时,她与上帝的联系最为紧密,这也成为了她2020年“河边鼓励”视频的背景,这些视频为所有观看视频的人提供了希望和爱. 

Jarrod Hubbard

杰罗德·午宴Jarrod Hubbard is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana. Jarrod serves as an associate minister at Mt. 毗斯迦山米.B.C under the leadership and pastor ship of B.E. 豪斯. 在Mt服务期间. Pisgah Jarrod Hubbard is involved in the youth ministry, teaching local bible studies, 教会, 唱诗班, but above all he is a young man on fire for the Lord. Jarrod是CLD的校友,并一直活跃在许多不同的社区工作,如C.R.P. (社区 Resurrection), the Indiana Youth Advisory Council, Young Men Inc.,以及更多. 他在8岁时被呼召传道,并于9月11日被释放进入福音事工, 2016. Jarrod目前是十大网赌正规网址的一名本科生,他的专业是宗教研究,专注于事工. Jarrod爱主,并且相信神要在这世代做一些非凡的事!

February 27, 2020 Speakers:

Staff Member: Coach Faith-Alexis Graham 


Faith-Alexis is originally from Indianapolis, IN and is a 2019 曼彻斯特 Grad. She graduated with a degree in Sports Management. 毕业后,我开始为NCAA工作,然后在这里担任女子篮球助理教练. 由于半月板撕裂和两个前交叉韧带撕裂,Faith-Alexis在她的运动生涯中经历了许多障碍.  他在高中只打了一年的篮球,之后又做了七次膝盖手术, she went on to play collegiate ball for four years, all while being a team captain and a starter. 在那一刻,她不明白为什么上帝会让她经历她所做的事情, 然而,她继续走在信仰的道路上,最终能够用篮球作为一个平台,触动别人的生活.



汉娜在联合卫理公会和南方浸信会的家庭中长大. She was confirmed in the United Methodist Church at 11, and identified as U.M. 在中学的大部分时间里. But later she grew curious about older forms of 基督教, such as Lutheranism and Roman Catholicism. 受朋友的影响, I also began to explore non-Christian religions, 比如巫术崇拜, 萨满教, and other forms of paganism, 以及佛教. 我觉得我一直在寻找一种我无法命名的东西. 直到高中最后一年的一次濒死经历之后,我才再次完全成为一名基督徒. 我开始探索罗马天主教,以及耶稣基督后期圣徒教会. I did briefly join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but later left. After a powerful experience at a Catholic prayer service, I knew in my heart that I wanted to become Catholic. 在看到两次圣母玛利亚的异象后,我对天主教会的怀疑完全消除了. I strongly believe that the Catholic Church is the true church of Jesus Christ, and that I will remain in the Church all my life.

November 13, 2019 Speakers:
教授:博士. 蒂姆•里德
蒂姆•里德蒂姆•里德 has been teaching in the Music Department at 曼彻斯特 since 2008. 他是一位原声和电声音乐作曲家,也是MU音乐副教授. 蒂姆成长于一个新教家庭,活跃于联合卫理公会教堂,但后来开始探索其他思考宗教和灵性的方式. 在过去的十二年里, Tim has cultivated a spiritual practice mostly informed by Buddhist teachings.  

克里斯弗朗索瓦克里斯生长在一个信奉罗马天主教的家庭,这个家庭已经信仰了好几代人了. 随着时间的推移, they became curious about Vodou and its influences on Haiti's history and culture, and proceeded to have conversations with practitioners. Chris currently views themselves as not really belonging to any religion, but they strongly identify with Vodou while maintaining some Catholic roots.  

October 28, 2019 Speakers:
教授:博士. 凯特·艾森比斯·克里尔

September 25, 2019 Speakers:
教职员:牧师. Dr. 艾丽西亚Dailey

艾丽西亚Dailey牧师. Dr. 艾丽西亚Dailey accepted Christ into her heart as a six-year old child. 当她十一二岁的时候,她觉得自己被呼召去传道,但当时无法继续下去. As an undergraduate student, 牧师. Dr. Dailey was active in campus religious organizations. She went on to earn two seminary degrees and was ordained as a Baptist minister. 牧师. Dr. Dailey is a former pastor of Beamer United Methodist Church in Kokomo, IN. With master’s and doctoral degrees in social work, she continually seeks to integrate her faith with social work values and ethics.



Christy is a mom/student/entrepreneur who lives in Huntington County. She is a forest therapy guide/mentor and trainer. She also facilitates retreats for ANFT, 她在亨廷顿出生并长大,现在与她的四个孩子和丈夫住在那里. She is a violinist, vocalist and teacher by training and vocation. She administers a music school in Huntington through the local YMCA. Christy lives amongst the fields of corn, 小麦, 他们在一个小农场种植了大豆和树木,在那里他们种植了菜园, 浆果, 果树, and the many memories of her children’s lives. 她在ANFT的工作改变了她的生活,也是她精力和活力的源泉. 她目前正在攻读环境科学和宗教研究学位, 这在一定程度上是她训练的结果,也是她对森林疗法实践的更多爱和联系的来源.